

It's about 4am and I've been laying in bed for an hour.

Last night I slept for an hour and 45 minutes because I was slaving over my work.

I'm currently undergoing a "Test Week" for a company that shall remain unnamed until or if my place there becomes official, but I must say I Lalalove this unofficial job I've got. It makes this whole transition/wait period before I move to LA far more pleasant. I'm not just existing and slaving away to make money just to prepare for my move; I'm learning, enjoying my work, proud of my products, and making good money.

I worked from 10-6, came home (preparing for that LA commuter traffic now that I'm going to be a usual to Bay Area rush hour), scarfed down dinner, prepared to work on my other job (which IS official), but gave up and slept from about 8pm-3am.

The sound of rain is relaxing and comforting but I am faaaar from sleepy now.

Killer has gotten the call to go to Infantry Training Batallion (ITB) in April and he'll be doing his thing at Pendleton for TWO whole months. Sure, it's way better than him getting deployed but you get your cake and complain about it too. We might get to talk on the phone for a bit on weekends but that's it. We're planning to spend a week together (hah, around "Spring Break" which doesn't exist for us now that we're both outta school), before he goes and a couple weekends inbetween the next couple months. He should get back before my graduation in June which is lovely :) and overall June should still be feeling wonderful as it marks the beginning of summer...

But! Then in July he goes to another training thing called AT (dunno what it means) which will probably in Utah and last for 2 weeks. It should suck about the same. You'd think that it should be easier since it's a quarter of the time spent at ITB but then it's evened out by being held in a different state.

Because Killer finally got the call to go to ITB, he will become deployable upon completion (that's why he didn't deploy last October) which sucks. The chances of him getting deployed are sorta slim so I'm hoping for no extra craziness overseas or anything awful that the Army can't handle and lead to Obama calling upon le Marine Corps. ;)

2 months and 2 weeks. It won't be bad. Because at the end of the summer we'll finally be in LA.

This is going to be a good year.

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