
Sleepy Poetry

I really wanted to sleep but it's 5:21 am and my alarm is set at 6:00am.

He wrote this to help him stay awake as I did my homework. I'm still doing homework. Gah. He's sleeping and I'm really jealous. I'm jealous of everyone that's sleeping right now.


Hey there dame, if it's all the same, to you I blame, a certain someone, for the crushing one ton, of love-pounds, that hound, my focus,

That "a certain someone," was fought for and hard won, and is sitting with me this day

Brandishing a pencil, eschewing a stencil, she draws out her mind in this way

Turning her pages, she looks like the sages, who studied for what, who could say?

Wax paper in hand, she sketched nothing bland, and eeked out her graphite foray

I'll be quick to end this, since I've already sent this, before I meant this, to reach your attention, to release my own tension, I'm quitting the verse, before I get terse, with my rhymes

Tracing paper in hand*


Gotta make a couple collages, then shower, then off to BART.

Fin. 5:25am

PS, I love you

wow i feel nauseous! kljfhdslfkhfdg

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