
More Wedding Stuff

It's imperative that several Cab Sav's, Pinot Noirs, and Chardonnays with the occasional Mexican tequila and Cream Sherry assist me on my long homework days...

As my paperweights!

Okay, now for the nice stuff...

The most perfect, suave bouttonier

Pretty tent wedding reception =)

I love this dress! Simple, low back, and REAL flowers at the center back!

If I finally get over the whole extravagant thing, I might stick with this poufy, FEATHER gown.

Placement Cards

Party Favors

Dapper Groomsmen

I'm hoping my parents' friends get hitched soon. I want to plan their wedding!


Chantal Noelle Cabildo said...

I spend a majority of my money on wedding magazines. Ryan told me to stop and said its a waste. never! They just so happen end up hidden in our groceries. In my other life, I was a wedding planner or party planner..I just know it.


"Do not quench your inspiration and your imagination; do not become the slave of your model."

lumiere said...

haha "van gogh" sorry. My brazilian teacher didn't know how to spell it so he only wrote "van g" on the board and we didn't get the rest of that literal part of the lesson. and i pay 20 grand for school. haha.