
lots of ideas, no time to follow thru

I'm at paddy's. Why is it so difficult to concentrate? Just because it's Friday?

I love paddy's. It's the last good thing in Union City. Wouldn't it be great if he could host a Union City Design Collective? Buy one drink for admission. Francis would do Film design(pics), BMB could do Sound design(music), Dean could do Palate design (foooood), and hopefully I could work my ass to do Garment design(clothes). Maybe a Verbal design(poetry), Canvas design(painting) etc. Us poor kids could sort of, get our name out, showcase what we got, maybe even sell some things to benefit something good here like that leisure services or club une, whatevers good.

I've already got orders from my mom's friend to make some basic tanks, but of course I'm NOT going to do "basic" shirts and have my name behind that. Its hard to have any physical and mental strength while being in schooool. I've also been asked to design the interior of the crepe shop I work at. Brick walls, antlers...gold...it'll be epic!

Gotta go...not very productive right now...

1 comment:

Francis Ramos said...

man, I was there from 9am-2pm working today. I'll be there thursday from 7-11 (because 24-hrs starts Monday) Come thru then!

As for that show, that would be a dream to work with my peers. You may never know...