
Today I watched The Class at the Lumiere. It's a film about a teacher at a diverse inner-city school. What was insane about it was the fact that the rudeness of the students and the constant in-class arguments is something that you would see at Logan. Being a teacher is a really tough job. I thought I loved everything French but the rapid French spats for 2 hours was getting to be a little much. I think you're supposed to feel that though; you feel sorry for the teacher because those kids got pretty annoying. Very fine acting. The theater also got pretty cold after the first hour and when I get cold, my body tends to shut down...ZzzzZZZZ....

My dad ordered Ong Bak 2 from Thailand. I'm watching it now and it sucks sooo hard. It has nothing to do with "Ong Bak", horrible graphics...I don't even know what it's about. 

My dad also ordered a movie which translates to "Five Lines". I read the entire synopsis on the case (which was in Thai). It was painful! My Thai is bad. I read the words but couldn't figure out what any of it meant. My mom wouldn't help me. FAIL. The "Five Lines" they're referring to is a Buddhist prayer written in ancient Khmer (Cambodian), as seen as that shoulder tattoo that Angelina Jolie has. 

I can't find the tv remote. Tragedy!

1 comment:


hope you having fun in paris....dont forget to bring me back pictures i hope you having fun your prolly not gonna see this until you get back haha