

she doesn't know me. i want to live on my own again.

It's starting to become my bad trait; my unattachment to EVERYTHING, my colder/calmer heart, my worry-lessness, my positive outlook when everyone else is negative. I can tell I'm being perceived as arrogant, rude, and reckless. I've become so so well-practiced at being a Buddhist because I don't want to hurt and feel any pain anymore, but the thing is, I have people and things I'm supposed to care about and react around...I'm not meditating in a forest alone under a nice tree. Dangit Buddha, you didn't give us the answers to this side of life. Like how to deal with menopausal mommas.


And I'm not milking it or brushing it under the rug. YOU'RE stupid. This is where you put me.

Keep - Drinking. Smoking. Drugs. Stealing. Passing out. Parties. Dancing. Clubbing.
Toss - School. Me.

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