
Harry Potter Update!

So I FINALLY went to go see Harry Potter and I would have to say I was definitely impressed in comparison to the last few disasters that came out after the 3rd. I won't get into too much detail, but I will bring to light things that most people would oversee in a film.

First CINEMATOGRAPHY was brilliant. Kudos to Bruno Delbonnel, hella famous, if you didn't know. He's a Frenchie and was Director of Photography for Across the Universe, Paris Je T'aime, and Amelie.

Second, the MUSIC was amazing! Original music by Nicholas Hooper. Not once did I hear that juvenile old tune from the 1st film. He did the Order of the Phoenix, but the music for this particular film was outstanding. The music was intense, epic, sad, and jolly. I almost cried at the end when _____ dies, not because I felt a connection to the dreaded actor that portrayed my favorite character, but because the music was breathtaking.

Third, the humor. Humor brought out the real "acting" in some of the worst characters. Most of the actors had to be drugged up in the movie for their real abilities as an "actor" were revealed. Pay attention to the scenes involving drugs, aka potions.

Fourth, Horace Slughorn, portrayed by my faaaave Jim Broadbent, aka Zidler from Moulin Rouge. Just delightful. I LOVED each of his scenes.

Fifth, Quidditch! The sport makes a GREAT, but short comeback, and the kids zooming around in the sky on broomsticks looks so much more realistic! Thank goodness! So thanks to special effects.

Sixth, Costumes were rather enjoyable! Pay attention to McGonagall's coat, Slughorn's pj's and Bellatrix's costume.

Seventh, Bellatrix Lestrange. Played by the uber-amazing Helena Bonham Carter. So effortless. She deserved more screentime.

Eight, props to the art department! (No pun intended.) You have to conceptualize that on the set of a film, you're given an empty space and it is up to the art department to make it feel real and old and lived it. Pay attention to Mr. Weasley's garage, the Room of Requirement, and Slughorn's dinner parties.

So the only problems I had with the film were the two actors of Ginny and Dumbledore. I guess I'm ok with Ginny, because even in print her character didn't have much of a heart or personality, but if you're playing Harry Potter's love interest, I'm thinking an acting coach could have spent a LITTLE more time on your performance. My beloved Dumbledore was butchered the moment Michael Gambon was introduced so all I have to say is DO YOUR RESEARCH. If you're playing a beloved character from a book, at least try and make the effort to please us.

And that was supposed to be my short Harry Potter Recap. Goodnight!

P.S., special shout-outs to Cormac, Lavender, and Luna whose characters were slightly over-exaggerated, but humorously made up for a lot of the other characters *cough* Ginny.

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