
Sorry for the hiatus

Even though like, 3 people read this. 

My Spring Break is a little long. It officially started March 23. I got to hang out with friends for the entire first week, as in EVERY DAY was booked and planned out, but now everyone has returned to class. I'm all alone...with no money to spend. Not even my family is available. My mom also warned me not to go biking by myself due to current events..so there goes my fitness. 

I'm not even sure if I'm going to make it to Paris (April 4th), but my parents said we'll go to Hawaii instead. It kinda sucks that I have to wait until the very last leg of my break before going on vacation. Our family vacation plan was to return from Paris on April 9th and then I have class the next day at 8:30 am. Ridiculous. At least I won't have time to get jetlag.

Anyways, the other day Nikko and I made some sushi. 

I'm so boring. Byee!

1 comment:


why haven't u made me sushi!!!!!!!!im pissed pretty mad now for the fact i havent been able to try this....thanks amanda thanks i have no school wtf!!! just work but hey!!! thanks haha