

I'm currently taking this Creative Design Analysis and Collection Development class and I literally spend the entire week doing all the homework for this class. I don't understand how anyone could possibly take this class on top of a sewing glass or pattern making class. Too much work!

We're designing collections for Fall/Winter 2010, which means no this year, but next year. I'm excited. I like the colors, the silhouettes, the themes...I want this year to just pass over so I can start getting dressed for next year!

It's also confusing in school because we're always thinking and planning for the year ahead. My teacher said she embroidered silk pillows for all her grandchildren and accidentally stitched "Merry Christmas 2010". I keep thinking, ooh I need to shop for this coat and these black boots and wool trousers and oops, I forgot that I don't even own a bathing suit for THIS summer!

I'm starving, I've been at the UC Library since 12 and I refuse to leave until I finish my paper. Talk about pressure, my stomach is growling like mad.

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