
Life and Death and the Thingies Inbetween

"Hugs help"

"Yea, they do. You sound like you need one. Baby."

"Not a baby. Just a kid."

"You make me smile too often. Quit it."


"Hi. Miss you. That is all."


"I downloaded Hurt Locker but I still didn't watch it"

"Bwahaha, you're hopeless."

"I know, and you still stick around"

"Yeah, I'm helpless"


"Ahhh, wine shots"

"But your liver! Dude, you better not die on me."

"Why does it matter?"

"Because I'd be mad."


"At you! For dying on me, quitter."

"K, I won't die if you don't."


1 comment:

s0urpatchkids said...

Thank you for your support. For the support that you've always given me. What would I do without you, wingman!? I'm sure it'll hit me soon. Thank you again. I love you!